Judith Le Soldat
“The Ground of Homosexuality”
The course of lectures on the new psychoanalytic theory of homosexuality

The book “The Ground of Homosexuality” addresses an absolutely innovative approach to the psychological processes, which take part in what we call the sexual orientation. It raises the issues not only of the traditional ideas of homo- and heterosexuality, but also new interpretations of what is meant by masculinity and femininity. This way, in her book Judith Le Soldat develops a theory, which strongly exceeds the theory of homosexuality. Her sharp analysis of the homosexuality phenomenon provides previously unknown insights into the functioning of the human soul. In the eleven lectures Judith Le Soldat presented a systematic exposition of the theory of homosexuality, which she elaborated. This systematic approach allows joining the basics of psychology, the prerequisites of the drive theory and the development psychology, which gives the author an opportunity to explain her innovative viewpoint on the various inner ways to homosexuality (as well as to heterosexuality). The lectures comprise a lot more than a revelation of the theme of homosexuality: they provide a summary and an enriched exposition of the psychoanalytic concept of Oedipus complex, which she transformed in 1994. These lectures, by nature, are a continuation of the main postulates of the drive theory, which Le Soldat formulated in her research on aggression in 1989. Thus, the book “The Ground of Homosexuality” may be considered as a review of all Le Soldat’s scientific works and as an introduction to the theory she created.
systematic approach allows joining the basics of psychology, the prerequisites of the drive theory and the development psychology, which gives the author an opportunity to explain her innovative viewpoint on the various inner ways to homosexuality (as well as to heterosexuality). The lectures comprise a lot more than a revelation of the theme of homosexuality: they provide a summary and an enriched exposition of the psychoanalytic concept of Oedipus complex, which she transformed in 1994. These lectures, by nature, are a continuation of the main postulates of the drive theory, which Le Soldat formulated in her research on aggression in 1989. Thus, the book “The Ground of Homosexuality” may be considered as a review of all Le Soldat’s scientific works and as an introduction to the theory she created.
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